Common Ways Fleas Spread In Maine

June 15, 2017

dog itching because of fleas

As the weather increasingly warms up and we go headlong into flea season in Maine, you may have questions regarding flea infestations. Ever wonder where those pesky fleas come from in the first place? No matter how clean your pet or your home may be, fleas still seem to find a way to infest homes and pets across the globe. So, you are not alone in your quest to eliminate them from your home and to keep them from driving your poor pet crazy. First and foremost it is important to understand that fleas can lay dormant for long periods of time – even surviving through the winter to re-emerge in the warmer spring weather.

Many wild animals can harbor fleas. Animals that are most likely culprits include raccoons, chipmunks, squirrels, opossums, and rodents. These wild animals can inhabit areas near or around your home and contribute to the spread of your flea problems. Warm, humid conditions are ideal environments for fleas, but they also need animals for food. Transfer from wildlife to pet can happen right in your backyard where dormant fleas can wait long periods of time for ideal conditions and a new host.

Fleas are parasites that prefer to feed on mammals and birds. These pesky insects are small - only 1/12 inch - wingless, six-legged, flat, black or brown; and they can jump up to 13 inches. Their larvae need moisture to live; if too dry or too wet, they will not survive. They will generally seek areas where your pets spend a lot of time resting or sleeping; these locations are sometimes called “hot spots”. Fleas can also infest kennels and dog houses or under porches and bushes.

Bites from fleas can be dangerous due to the fact that they can transmit diseases to people and pets. They have contributed to spreading tapeworm that can infect humans and animals; they have also been known to transmit bubonic plague and other serious illnesses to humans. A typical flea bite leaves itchy small red bumps that are usually found on human legs and feet but that can be found most anywhere. When fleas bite your pet, he will begin to scratch non-stop, and his skin will become red and irritated, increasing the threat of infection.

If you see fleas in or around your home or on your pets, here are 6 tips you can follow:

  1. Inspect your pet after they spend time outdoors.

  2. Vacuum pet areas regularly.

  3. Wash pet bedding frequently.

  4. Use vet approved flea prevention on your pet.

  5. Avoid wildlife from inhabiting your property.

  6. Contact a pest control company to control flea infestations on your property.

At Pine State Pest Solution, our highly trained pest control technicians can assess your situation, accurately identify pest pressures, and develop a treatment plan that is effective and efficient. We have the knowledge, experience, and tools to make your home flea-free and help you control the inhabitation of wildlife on your property. Give us a call today!

Tags: flea control in me  |  home pest control in me

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