Pavement Ants

What do pavement ants look like?

The pavement ant has several distinguishing features, including parallel grooved lines that run along its head and thorax. Additionally, there are a pair of small spines that extend out from the rear end of the thorax.

Adult workers can grow up to 1/8th of an inch in length, while queens are slightly larger. Pavement ants are typically dark brown or black in color. Their antennae have 12 segments with a three-segmented club on the end.


pavement ants searching for food inside home


Do pavement ants come in the house?

Although their name suggests otherwise, pavement ants are known to infiltrate Maine homes through cracks in foundations, concrete slabs, and other openings such as around utility entrances, doors, and windows.

Where do pavement ants nest?

Pavement ants are commonly found nesting outside in the cracks of driveways, under and along sidewalks, under concrete slabs, in ground-level masonry walls, and underneath foundations. However, it is not uncommon to find them nesting inside homes and other buildings as well. Once inside, they usually create their nests behind walls in insulation and underneath floors.

Do pavement ants bite?

Pavement ants have the capacity to sting and bite, but they usually don't. They are mainly considered as nuisance ants that tend to invade homes in search of food, water, and shelter. If they find access, pavement ants can contaminate stored food within homes, and feed on meats, grease, cheese, nuts, and similar food items.

Do pavement ants damage wood like carpenter ants?

No, pavement ants do not damage wood like carpenter ants. Pavement ants nest behind walls or underneath wooden floors, but unlike carpenter ants, they will not cause structural damage.

How do you get rid of pavement ants? 

Pavement ants are a nuisance and can be challenging to eliminate without professional assistance. They tend to create their nests in hard-to-reach areas both indoors and outdoors. Therefore, it's always better, faster, and more effective to seek help from a pest control expert.

Pine State Pest Solutions offers effective home pest control services for pavement ants and other house-infesting insects. To learn more about our residential plan and how we can help you safeguard your home and family from pest infestations, reach out today!

How do I keep pavement ants out of my house?

 Even though pavement ants are dangerous to health or destructive to property, homeowners should discourage these pests.  At Pine State Pest Solutions, we recommend implementing the following pavement ant prevention tips:

  • Seal cracks that form in sidewalks and/or walkways located on your property and seal cracks that form in your home’s foundation.

  • Caulk gaps found around windows and doors; it is also a good idea to install door sweeps on all exterior doors.

  • Place outdoor trash cans several feet away from your home and make sure that they are fitted with tight lids and/or locks.

  • Trim trees and bushes away from the exterior of your home; especially any that are coming into direct contact with your home.

  • Keep kitchen and pantry areas free of crumbs and clean up spills immediately.

  • Store food in refrigerators not on counters or tables.

  • Do not leave dirty dishes in your sink overnight.


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