Pine State's Recent Blogs

NPMA Releases Its Fall & Winter Pest Forecast

Even though temperatures drop below freezing, ice builds up, and snow can pile up for a good chunk of the year, pests remain a year-round concern for Maine homeowners. That’s right—while fall and winter bring pumpkin-flavored treats and cozy sweaters, they also signal pests to take action to survive the colder months. Whether the cold sets in quickly or gradually, pests are on the move. With… Read More >

How Does The Changing Weather Impact Pests In Maine?

Now that mosquito season is ending in Auburn, Augusta, and across Maine, you might think you're in the clear and won’t have to worry about bugs until spring. But while summer pests like mosquitoes are retreating, a new wave of pests is already in formation to take their place. In fact, some of those summer pests may even reappear in your home during the colder months. Here's what you need to… Read More >

How Rodents Enter Maine Homes

As fall approaches, you might start noticing unwanted visitors in your home—rodents. As temperatures drop across Maine, many critters seek shelter indoors, increasing rodent sightings inside homes. Understanding which rodents are common in the area, why they head indoors during the fall, and how they get into your home can help you take preventive action. Read More >

Everyone Asks Us The Same Question About Earwigs

At Pine State Pest Solutions, we receive plenty of calls every day about all kinds of pests. One of the more common culprits this time of year? The earwig. And we get it—they’re not the cutest critters out there! With their dark brown to reddish-brown bodies and intimidating “pincers,” they can look a little scary. These pincers, technically called cerci, are the real standout feature of… Read More >

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