Posts with the tag: "tick control"

When Should I Start Treating My Yard For Ticks?

It’s been an unusual winter here in Maine. In fact, you might say it’s been a mixed bag. We’ve been on the receiving end of storms that have knocked out power for days, caused serious flooding across the state, and dropped snow (although not a lot in our neck of the woods); we’ve also seen above-average and below-average temps. It’s a lot for one winter, and it is not over yet. Of course… Read More >

Does Maine Have A Tick Problem?

Unfortunately for Maine residents, ticks have been a regular part of our lives for years now. We’ve stayed on paths while hiking to avoid wooded areas where these biting insects hang out. We’ve become experts at inspecting ourselves, our kids, and our pets after spending any amount of time outdoors. We’ve also watched the number of Lyme disease cases associated with infected deer ticks… Read More >

deer tick in portland maine

Spring Tick Prevention For Homeowners In Southern Maine

Maine springs may be short and full of mud, but everyone who lives through a Maine winter knows how wonderful it feels to see the snow melt, watch the trees bud, and feel the warm air against your skin. A Maine spring also means that summer is just around the corner and if anything is more glorious than a Maine spring, it’s a Maine summer. But summer has its downfalls too, most notably the pests… Read More >

deer tick on leaf

Threats That Ticks Pose To Maine Residents In The Summer

In Maine, summer is the time of year when the weather is warm, sunny, and perfect for spending evenings and weekends outside enjoying nature with family and friends. However, if precautions aren’t taken, summer can also be the time of year when you, your family, and your pets could be put into harm’s way by blood-feeding, parasitic ticks. Read More >

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