Bed Bug Do’s & Don’ts

Here’s the situation, you’ve discovered bugs in your bed and quickly arrive at the realization that you in fact have a bed bug problem. What do you do?! What should you not do?! We understand the anxiety you are likely feeling at this precise moment and are here to help guide you through the process of getting rid of these biting pests! 


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What NOT TO DO if you have a bed bug infestation

Do not panic
We realize this is easier said than done but if you wake up to bed bug bites or find other signs of a bed bug problem, it’s important to keep your wits about you. Remember bed bugs, while extremely annoying and most definitely stress-inducing, do not transmit disease to people or pets. 

Do not ignore the problem
While it’s important not to panic when you have bed bugs in residence, we must also encourage you not to bury your head in the sand. Ignoring a bed bug infestation never works in the favor of the property owner and in fact, will be detrimental. Bed bugs will move beyond the infested area into new territory which could be another room in your home or the tenant on the other side of the wall.  And if you’re a business owner, you do not want a bed bug problem to grow – your professional reputation could depend on your quick response. 

Do not set anything on fire
You might be laughing but trust us, it needs to be said. There have been too many reports of repulsed property owners setting furniture on fire in order to exterminate bed bugs. 

Do not try DIY bed bug control products
In addition to wasting time and money, you may endanger yourself, family members, and even customers and employees depending on your situation. What’s more, when used improperly, these types of products could cause bed bugs to scatter. 

Do not throw everything away
Your gut reaction might be to throw away all your furniture, your clothes, your kid’s toys- in other words everything - but that’s not necessary. Not only will bed bugs just move to a new area, you’ll spend a lot of money replacing items you threw out.  There are ways to kill bed bugs in furniture and on other personal belongings. 

Do not put your mattress on the curb
Don’t spread the bed bug problem to another home by leaving your infested mattress (or other furniture) on the curb to be hauled away.   

What to DO if you have a bed bug infestation

Do take immediate action
If you have reason to believe there’s bed bug activity in your home or business, take immediate action. The longer you wait to treat, the harder it will be to exterminate these biting pests. 

Do call a licensed pest control company 
At the first sign of a bed bug issue, contact a pest control company that specializes in bed bug control. 

Do keep visitors away until the bed bug problem has been resolved 
You probably won’t feel like entertaining if your home has been taken over by bed bugs but we still want it on record that we highly recommend keeping visitors away until your bed bug exterminator has given you the all clear.

Don’t have a bed bug problem and want to keep it that way?

The best way to prevent a bed bug infestation is to be careful about what you bring into your home and who comes in. With that in mind, here are a few recommendations:

  • Try to avoid bringing secondhand furniture, electronics, and other belongings into your home. If there’s something you can’t pass up at an estate sale or flea market, be sure to inspect it very closely for any indication that it could be harboring bed bugs. 

  • Check your hotel room when you travel before you bring your belongings in. 

  • If you’re having guests over, have them leave their coats in the garage or somewhere away from your belongings and never toss them on a bed. 

  • When your college-aged kids come home for the weekend or holidays, be sure to inspect their dirty laundry and other belongings for signs of bed bugs. Dorms are notorious havens for these opportunistic bugs. 

Signs of a bed bug problem

Bed bug bites, live bugs behind the headboard and on mattress seams, and red blood stains on sheets are just a few signs of bed bugs. Check out this article, The Most Common Signs Of Bed Bugs, for more ways to identify a bed bug infestation. 

How to kill bed bugs

As noted above, the best way to eliminate bed bug activity in your home or business is not by grabbing a bed bug product from the hardware store but by calling a pest control company that specializes in bed bug control. At Pine State Pest Solutions, we are Maine’s premier bed bug control pros and offer effective bed bug solutions ranging from conventional bed bug treatments to bed bug heat treatment (also called thermal remediation). 

When you contact us about a possible bed bug problem, we’ll dispatch a highly trained and fully licensed bed bug control specialist to your property to perform a 10-point bed bug inspection. Upon completion of the assessment, we’ll explain our findings and recommend a course of action that will kill bed bug – from tiny eggs to full-grown adults.  

Contact Pine State Pest Solutions today!

Pine State Pest Solutions offers effective bed bug treatments in Auburn, Portland, and Augusta as well as throughout our multi-county service. If you’re worried about bed bugs, give us a call today! 

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