Are Carpenter Ants In Maine Destructive?

July 05, 2024

It might come as a surprise, but carpenter ants can cause quite a bit of damage to Maine homes without the occupants ever knowing… that is, until the damage is uncovered or becomes apparent. It’s true, don’t let their small size fool you! These big black ants don’t mess around, and while their intent isn’t to damage property, it happens. From minor cosmetic issues to more extensive structural damage, carpenter ants live their best lives, doing what they were meant to do. With that in mind, let’s consider why carpenter ants are such destructive pests, unlike other types of ants in Maine. We’ll also share a few tips to help you prevent carpenter ants from infesting your property. 

carpenter ants in maine searching for food

How do carpenter ant infestations start?

You might think that spotting one or two ants indoors is no big deal, but it could be a sign of a bigger problem. Carpenter ants often send out a scout to explore and decide if a location suits the colony. If the scout gives the go-ahead, the rest of the colony will move in shortly. A carpenter ant colony can contain hundreds or even thousands of ants, with multiple satellite nests both indoors and out. Once they settle in, finding and eliminating all the ants can become quite a challenge.

Carpenter ant damage 

Fun fact: Carpenter ants do not eat wood; they tunnel through it to create galleries for their eggs. Even though they do not consume it, their excavation efforts can still weaken the wood they infest, resulting in damage such as:

  • Doors and windows that stick
  • Bowing or sloping floors
  • Warped framing
  • Weakened supports
  • Bulging walls
  • Wood damage that looks like wood rot

Signs of carpenter ant activity

To identify a carpenter ant infestation, look for several distinct signs. One of the simplest ways to detect an infestation is to observe worker ants scavenging for food in and around your home, particularly in areas with easy access to food and water.

You may also come across wood shavings, referred to as "frass," which are pushed out of small holes, called kick-out holes, which carpenter ants make in the walls. You’ll usually see frass outside the hole, stuck to the walls, or piled on the ground.  

Sometimes, you may hear faint chewing noises coming from the wood within the wall along with rustling sounds, indicating the presence of carpenter ants.

Another common sign of a carpenter ant infestation is the presence of winged ants, the reproductive members of the colony, both inside and outside your home.

How to prevent carpenter ants from taking over

The best way to deal with a carpenter ant problem is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Although this isn’t always easy to accomplish, it’s worth the effort if you can stave off an infestation of these wood-damaging pests. Here are some useful prevention tips:

  • Eliminate any sources of water or moisture around your property.
  • Keep tree branches and shrubs trimmed back from the exterior of your home.
  • Seal any cracks or openings in your foundation that could serve as entry points.
  • Replace any torn or damaged screens.
  • Store firewood away from your home.
  • Store all food in your refrigerator or in airtight containers.
  • Take out your trash regularly and clean up any food or drink spills promptly.
  • Use dehumidifiers in your home to reduce excess moisture.
  • Fix leaking faucets and other plumbing issues. 
  • Replace any damaged wood in your home.

What to do if you spot carpenter ants in your home or on your property

If you've already seen carpenter ants in your home or on your property, contact Pine State Pest Solutions for assistance. We provide carpenter ant inspections and treatments, bi-annual carpenter ant treatments, and ongoing home pest control services targeting carpenter ants in Auburn, Oxford, Freeport, and throughout our multi-county service area.

When you contact us for help getting rid of carpenter ants, our locally owned and operated pest control company will send a specialist to accurately identify the ants and then eliminate them! 

Our comprehensive carpenter ant control service includes:

  • A thorough carpenter ant inspection
  • Interior carpenter ant treatment
  • Exterior carpenter ant service
  • Follow-up treatments, as needed

We highly recommend signing up for one of our home pest control plans if you're a homeowner who battles carpenter ants every year! 

Check out our Home Protection Plan below, or simply give us a call to discuss your pest problem. 

*initial start-up fees may apply.


This blog was originally published 09/18/18; it has been updated to include the most up-to-date information. 

Tags: ant control

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