Summer Tick Prevention Starts In Your Own Backyard

June 04, 2024

People often associate ticks with camping trails, dense woods, and hiking trails, but the truth is that these arachnids (yes, their relatives of spiders) can be much closer to home than you might think. In fact, there’s a good chance they’re already in your backyard. Understanding how they got there and how to protect yourself against tick bites and the illnesses they spread is key to enjoying your summer. 

maine owner planting in their garden


Ticks in your backyard

Ticks often find their way into residential yards on the backs of rodents, deer, and other wildlife. These animals can bring ticks right to your doorstep, where they can then thrive in shaded, moist areas close to the ground. Contrary to popular belief, ticks do not fall from trees. Instead, they reside in tall grasses, leaf litter, and shrubs, lying in wait for a host to brush past.

How to protect against ticks when outside

Whether you’re gardening, mowing the lawn, or simply letting your kids play outdoors, it is wise to take precautions against ticks. Here are a few ways you can protect yourself and your family when you head outside this summer:

Dress defensively

As much as you probably want to wear shorts, a t-shirt, and sandals when you head outside, it would be better to wear long sleeves and pants to create a barrier of protection between your skin and ticks. You should also tuck your pants into your socks. 

Apply repellent

Use tick repellents on both your skin and clothing. Products containing DEET, picaridin, or permethrin are effective in deterring ticks. If you’re not sure what to use for your family, we recommend speaking with your family doctor. 

Perform regular tick checks

After spending time outside, especially in grassy or wooded areas, conduct thorough tick checks on yourself, your children, and your pets. Pay special attention to areas like the scalp, behind the ears, and under the arms. For pets, check under the collar, under the tail, between the toes, on the eyelids, in the groin area, and under the legs. 

Handling tick bites and symptoms

If you find an embedded tick, remove it promptly using fine-tipped tweezers. Grasp the tick as close to the skin's surface as possible and pull upward with steady, even pressure. Do not twist or jerk the tick, as this can cause parts of it to break off and remain in the skin. After removal, clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol or soap and water. If possible, hold onto the tick in case symptoms develop or send it to the University of Maine’s Tick Lab for testing. 

If you notice a rash or any symptoms of a tick-borne illness, such as fever, fatigue, or joint pain, contact your physician immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial in effectively managing Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses.

Sign up for seasonal tick control today! 

Ticks may be tiny, but their impact on health can be significant. By understanding their habitats and taking proactive measures, you can enjoy the outdoors—whether it's a hike in the woods or a relaxing afternoon in your backyard. Consider signing up for Pine State Pest Solution’s seasonal tick control for greater protection and peace of mind! 

Our tick treatments are available in Turner, Poland, and throughout our multi-county service area. They target low brush, yards, lawns, fence lines, and surrounding fields and woods—essentially, the places where ticks are likely to lurk. What’s more, this is not a one-and-done service; our tick reduction program includes three services spread out over spring, summer, and fall.

We also offer our Tick Plus Mosquito Services, which provides homeowners with tick control and mosquito treatments from April through October! 

Find out how Pine State Pest Solution can drastically reduce the biting pest population on your property this summer; contact us today! 


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