Pine State's Recent Blogs

we wish you a very happy new year

2018 Pest Prevention Tips For Maine Homeowners

As we get ready for the new year and become as best prepared as we can, we go down through our to-do lists often times missing one of the most important steps of all as a property owner… pest control! We might not give much thought to the spider we squish and swatting mosquitoes might become second nature, but where there is one, there are many more, and while you work hard at everything you… Read More >

bed bug crawling on maine bed

Avoid Bed Bugs This Thanksgiving

Are you heading back home or going away for Thanksgiving this year? Whether it is just for a few days or even longer, you will need to be on the lookout for bed bugs. It won’t matter where you are heading, bed bugs are not picky, they will infest an immaculate house just as easy as it can infest a run-down motel. Most people going on vacation anytime during the holiday season will be mindful of… Read More >

earwig crawling on granite

Everyone Asks Us The Same Question About Earwigs

At Pine State Pest Solutions we get many calls a day about different pests, one pest that we get quite a few calls about is the earwig and we understand why; earwigs really are not the friendliest nor cuddliest looking insect. Earwigs have dark-brown to reddish-brown colored smooth bodies, and they grow to about 5/8th of an inch in length. However, in our opinion their most intimidating feature… Read More >

silverfish crawling on rock

Do Silverfish Bite?

If you live in Maine, then there is little doubt that you have run into silverfish. Typically you find these little pests lurking in the back of your cupboards or drawers when you are reaching for an item that you have not used in a while. Their quick movements can startle you, and that can make any attempt to squish this disgusting little insect very difficult – and if you are fast enough, you… Read More >

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