Common Fall Wildlife Problems In Southwest Maine

November 16, 2018

squirrel in a tree

Autumn in Maine is one of the most beautiful times of the year. The weather is perfect for walks or hikes, and the scenery is breathtaking. Every resident knows to soak up these last few weeks before the temperatures drop and snow starts flying.

Even Maine wildlife understands the importance of making the most of the fall season. They might not think taking a scenic hike is very high on the priority list, but they do know that they must do everything they can to get ready to survive the winter. In many cases, those preparations include finding a warm shelter in which to live.

Different forms of wildlife choose different shelters based on their individual needs, but there are several species that often choose houses as their preferred refuge. Bats, squirrels, rats, and mice/pest-identification/profile/mice are four animals that commonly get into Maine homes in the fall. They often find out of the way spots, such as attics, crawl spaces, or wall voids in which to nest, but even if you don’t see them often or at all, once they gain entry to your house, they can cause many problems.

Bats will leave droppings behind that contain various fungi which may cause a lung infection called histoplasmosis. They can also introduce mites and other bugs into your home. While rare, bats have been known to carry rabies, as well.

Squirrels, rats, and mice also create many problems in the home. Like bats, they leave droppings behind. While their droppings don’t contain fungi, they can transmit a number of serious diseases, including salmonella and E.coli. They also cause damage to the structure of your home and to your possessions. They will chew through storage boxes and food containers, ruining the contents. They may destroy walls and insulation by chewing on them. They also chew on electrical wiring, creating a dangerous fire hazard. Finally, they may introduce parasites, such as fleas and ticks, into your house.

If you end up with wildlife in your home, it’s important to take care of the problem right away. If left unattended, not only will your home be in danger of damage and your family exposed to potentially serious illnesses, the population will only grow over time, creating bigger and worse problems down the road.

While many people attempt DIY methods of pest control, it’s not recommended for several reasons.

  • Some animals, like bats, are federally protected and cannot be killed. They require special removal methods to ensure their safe return to nature.
  • Mouse traps are often unsuccessful. Rodents have an excellent sense of smell and will avoid a trap that has any scent of a human or prior rodent “occupant” on the trap. They also have very fast reflexes and are extremely cautious by nature. Anything out of the ordinary will have them dashing away quickly.
  • All of these animals can hide out deep in areas of your home that you can not easily reach. Even if you think you’ve taken care of the problem, it is likely that some have escaped your treatment.

Instead, give Pine State Pest Solutions a call. We have trained professionals that know exactly what to look for when dealing with a wildlife infestation. We have the experience and equipment necessary to take care of a pest problem in a way that is safe for your family and effective at eliminating the entire problem. Learn more about our wildlife services or request more information, give us a call today.

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